What happens if the weather is bad on the day?
It is unsafe to drive the cars in heavy rain. To make sure you get to experience the car at its best, if the weather is bad on the day we will work with you to arrange an alternative date.
How many drivers can we have on one day?
You can have as many drivers as you wish, but if you are not alll of similar size then we will have to refit the seat for each of you which can take around 45 minutes, eating into your time for the day.
What COVID-19 preventative measures do you have in place?
The inside of the car is sterilised after every track day.
What safety measures do you have in place?
All of our cars have fully welded roll cages as well as FIA regulation seats and seatbelts. We have fire extinguishers in the car and at points around the tracks.
Book today
Book a track day experience you won't forget.
Let us know what you're looking for
Call 07543 661504, email email@totalmotorsportsolutions.uk or fill out the form to tell us what experience youre looking for and we'll get back to you.